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Is the mobile phone is the best high-volume or small-scale mobile phone?

Initially in the first production of mobile phones were their sizes very small compared with the mobile phones today, where the specifications very unusual to not need the Internet or to a memory card and rarely see a mobile phone in which a camera, but today with the tremendous development in technology has become a mobile phone is more than just phone has become a friend and a reminder of appointments and alarm browser and the Internet, camera and almost everything and of course with all these services in the mobile phone has become necessary to increase the size of the device and also necessary to increase the size of the screen to increase your viewing pleasure and mobility between mobile phone applications, but the question is: does the large size small size is best? Of my mind that the small size of the advantages and disadvantages, as well as large size, the small one for example can be carried easily and also is convenient for the pocket more and more important, is the cheap price and also if he lost or corrupted loss came a few and not the same importance, but it did not meet all the needs of the user from the Internet or camera strong or browse or Office applications and others offered by the phone with a large size, however the phone with a large size to be the fastest and the most powerful and beautiful, but expensive and losing the lot if stolen or corrupted and that the campaign will be more difficult than carry the phone with a small size,,, this is a point my decision and leave you
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