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New information system for Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone 7

Microsoft demonstrated the salvation of the MIX 2010 features many of the new operating system Windows 7 and sum up the iPhone you these advantages as follows:

The interface system called the Metro has been allocated a special line interface is not the announcement of his name
correcting spelling errors when printing is done by displaying a list of words printed Proposed case of the word without waiting until after the completion of the print
The system supports editing Office Documents can be saved on the device or in your account on the Internet
You can run audio clips directly in the splash screen and the information is retrieved from the audio section of the Internet and displayed in the operator
property multitasking differs from other systems, where you can not control the programs work the same time as the system Android, and there are limited programs to support multitasking example, the application of Microsoft Outlook and browser support the property, but any application running silver light or saliva XNA only works when you run them, either on programs to individuals and companies developed by them was put to them the option to display an alert for updates in its interface and operating system only.
Internet browser available in the system based on internet browser Explorer 7
And many other features that could be gauged by watching the following video clips, the system carries a wonderful interface with all What it means floor but you're better if they were similar to the characteristic property of multitasking in Android

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